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Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Zul Design" Kecewa Orang Cerdik Kurang Dipupuk

SEREMBAN, 22 Mei (Bernama) -- Zulkifli Haron, pencipta yang pernah menghasilkan rekaan luar biasa termasuk "kereta boleh bercakap", berasa kecewa kerana masih kurang usaha dijalankan untuk melahirkan lebih ramai golongan cerdik di negara ini.

Beliau melihat perkembangan pendidikan rekabentuk di sekolah-sekolah tempatan masih statik malah masih ramai guru dan pelajar yang menganggap bidang itu hanya untuk mengisi masa lapang dan tidak mampu menjana pendapatan.

"Sampai sekarang kita hanya ada Zul Design dan tidak melihat Ahmad Design atau Salleh Design. Persoalannya ke mana pelajar kreatif kita pergi selepas tamat sekolah," katanya ketika ditemui Bernama di sini hari ini.

Zul Design merupakan syarikat pertama beliau yang berpangkalan di Rawang sejak 25 tahun lepas dan telah berjaya melahirkan ribuan ciptaan seperti mesin automatik membuat kuih sehinggalah kepada kereta untuk Orang Kurang Upaya.

Zulkifli melihat kegagalan negara dalam melahirkan perekacipta dalam bidang kejuruteraan disebabkan pelajar kreatif ini tidak dipupuk selepas mereka menamatkan pengajian.

"Mereka ini kebanyakannya tidak pandai dalam soal akademik dan gagal masuk universiti. Di universiti pula, kita banyak melahirkan jurutera yang pandai dalam akademik dan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan tetapi tidak mampu melahirkan ciptaan," katanya.

Zulkifli berkata syarikatnya mengambil ramai golongan kreatif untuk melahirkan ciptaan mereka tetapi, menurut beliau, itu belum mencukupi kerana matlamatnya ialah agar kerajaan dapat membuka mata untuk meletakkan golongan istimewa ini ke satu tempat khas supaya mereka dapat membantu melahirkan pelbagai teknologi dan ciptaan baru.

"Hari ini kita sudah ada pelbagai macam pertandingan rekacipta, itu pun masih kekurangan sokongan kerana banyak ciptaan tidak dimaju atau dikomersilkan," katanya.



  1. Creativity can't be teach and learn..
    In Malaysian population, our education system is so so so and too exam-orientated. Plus, not much teachers are creative but very "stick-to-the-rule", so....
    Plus, parents don't really encourage creativity, esp inventing stuff. Cause it doesn't give any assurance that the job prospect is GOOD! So, naturally, no promotion to their children.

  2. hmm...creativiti cnt be teach lerr..
    just oly teacher or parents cungkil students bakat or kreativiti lo..
    one of the way is v can encourage them in wat they have like..

  3. Sure creativity can't be's something that need practice...and to be a designer/inventor you can't just be excel in ur study theoretically, theoretical is important to open up ur mind and idea, but to provide you more insight, u mind to be practically trained on how to do things.

    But what about space and opportunity given to school children to hone their skill?? does school have much programme to encourage students to come up with new inventions or idea or discovery? Apart from KH only, what else do we have? Even KH is not being given much attention. I doubt that certain school might just take the easy way of not conducting bengkel session for students. Even the KH projects nowadays also too simple and doesn't required too much works.

    And then at certain school, chemistry n physics r only taught from the book and the teachers never/selsom conduct laboratory session for students??!! How can young students able to open their eyes by just reading from their textbook only?? and then what schools care much are only getting A!! really kill student's creativity...that's y people always says orang pandai belajar tak pandai buat kerja, cakap teori panjang lebar boleh la, nak buat tak boleh, macam mana mau jadi boss?

  4. KH really doesnt help us more even to invent somethings oso...i oso nt prefer KH bcoz the practical work oso nt very much...
    bt in my school,there's two club that cn cungkil bakat :bakat nyanyi n band!!
    haha!!!i'm the one of my secondary school's choirs member..the teacher r vr prof!!i really learn a lot n have a good experience in having competition into peringkat kebangsaan!!haha!!
    a few years after grad,my schools band oso start to bcm "popular",those who lik to play misical instruments,there is chance for them to show their bakat..n yet this band oso start participate in many competition peringkat kebangsaan n persembahan...(nak lawan choirs group kot)=="
    haha!(just sharing it for u all)

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